Apple openned their retail store at City Mall in Delhi on Thursday, which attracts a large gathering from the very morning. It is the Second Store in India after in Mumbai. Apple CEO Tim Cook was seen welcoming customers as employees cheered at the company’s second retail outlet.
The store in Delhi, follows the same retail format as any other Apple store around the world. The Delhi store will have spaces for classes and meetings, new screens and hardware, and “Genius groves,” a tree-lined area where the “Genuis Bar” once was. The Apple store in Delhi will have buyers check out the latest products including the iPhone, iPad, AirPods, Apple Watch, Mac, and Apple TV lineups, as well as accessories like the AirTag.
Even though Apple is a small player in India’s lucrative mobile phone market, where 95 per cent of smartphones run on Google’s Android operating system, the company hopes to change that in the future. Its iPhone is an aspirational product in India, and Cupertino hopes it has a real chance to expand the market for its products in the premium segment.
Apple made income of $6 billion in the year through to March, growing 50%, as reported by Bloomberg . The organization delivered around 6.5 million iPhones in India in 2022, up from 4.8 million of in 2021.